Google Container Engine
(notes for when I doing the Guestbook Tutorial)
first, install the gcloud command line tool. note, debian/ubuntu package doesn't support components update
, must install via shell.
run gcloud components update
and gcloud components update kubectl
to install/update kubernetes.
then setup some default variables.
download tutorial files.
Setup Clusters
tutorial uses command line to create a cluster (guestbook
is the cluster name):
$ gcloud container clusters create guestbook
but I just create my clusters on web console, called cluster-guestbook
to check cluster infos:
$ gcloud container clusters list
$ gcloud container clusters describe cluster-guestbook
Create First Pod
first read docs about what is Pod, and how Pod configuration file works.
tutorial uses this line to create a pod (redis-master-controller.json
is within the zip file downloaded above):
$ kubectl create -f redis-master-controller.json
however this doesn't work, because it will connect to localhost for master. need to config the master node first.
google already hosts the master node for you, this line will config the master node autometically:
$ gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-guestbook
use kubectl config view
can check what have been set by the gcloud
after the master node has been set, pod can be created by:
$ kubectl create -f redis-master-controller.json
check the pod is running:
$ kubectl get pods
(get pod
and get pods
are the same)
or use selector -l
$ kubectl get pods -l name=redis-master
more details:
$ kubectl describe pods -l name=redis-master
can ssh into a node (you can find the node id from the describe
command above):
$ gcloud compute ssh gke-cluster-guestbook-xxxxxxxx-node-xxxx
will generate a new ssh key for you for first time)
when you inside the node, just docker
$ sudo docker ps
Setup Service
first read what is a services and how to define a service.
create the service:
$ kubectl create -f redis-master-service.json
view services:
$ kubectl get service
(get service
and get services
are the same)
$ kubectl get service -l name=redis-service
Setup Workers
(relationships are all defined in the json files)
create the worker pod:
$ kubectl create -f redis-worker-controller.json
check replication controllers:
$ kubectl get rc
check pods (you can see 1 master and 2 slaves running):
$ kubectl get pods
then setup the service for workers:
$ kubectl create -f redis-worker-service.json
again, kubectl get service
to get list of services.
Setup Webserver Pods
create the pod:
$ kubectl create -f frontend-controller.json
check replication:
$ kubectl get rc
check pods:
$ kubectl get pods
setup the service:
$ kubectl create -f frontend-service.json
verify services:
$ kubectl get service
to get the access point, run this:
$ kubectl describe services frontend | grep "LoadBalancer Ingress"
open the ip address in your browser, you can see the guestbook app is running.
Resizing Replication Controller
to set more pods for frontend, simply:
$ kubectl scale --replicas=5 rc frontend
to verify:
$ kubectl get pods
delete a service:
$ kubectl delete services frontend
shutdown the cluster:
$ gcloud container clusters delete cluster-guestbook
The End
this note focuses on operating, but all the relationship and configuration are in the json files. so a lot of details are not covered.