I'm a backend web developer, hongkonger and speak cantonese.
I learned different kinds of programming languages, but mainly just using clojure and node
Mostly random notes for my self-studying, some were written many years ago, check the date at footer first.
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- clojure new
- mechanical keyboard
- reading notes on Network Programming with Go
- serice/bookmarks
- fun/watches
- reading notes on Cloud Native Go
- reading notes on Database Internals
- reading notes on Modern C
- reading notes on Programming Clojure 3rd edition
- reading notes on Introducing Deno
- reading notes on Flask Web Development
- reading notes on Python for DevOps
- reading notes for Kubernetes in Action
- reading notes for Getting Clojure
- notes for Communicating Sequential Processes with core.async
- notes for Kafka
- Reading Notes: Ed Mastery
- python/visidata
- dev page
- javascript
- reading notes: MongoDB in Action
- reading notes: Understanding ECMAScript 6
- reading notes: Professional Clojure