Jim Cheung

Thursday, August 29, 2024

SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL

I think it's good improvement:

FROM ticketing_system_table
    assignee_user.email = 'username@email.com'
    AND status IN ('NEW', 'ASSIGNED', 'ACCEPTED')
   GROUP AND ORDER BY component_id DESC;

also duckdb already has from first syntax

Cursor is much better than copilot, not because claude sonnet generates better code but also the context, code change highlights, impressive!

reading these makes me sad, HK still (and maybe forever) blocked by anthropic / openai

Talk: Electric Clojure v3: Differential Dataflow for UI (Getz 2024)

I decided to dive into hyperfiddle/electric, the learning curve is surely very steep, but I already have few use cases in mind, I'm sure this could be very useful for my notebook app

discussions on hacker news:

clojure libraries:

Saturday, August 31, 2024

one useful trick to do fzf anywhere under tmux is bind a key to select data source and another key to trigger fzf selection

bind-key u display-popup -E -w50% -h50% "set-data.sh"
bind-key v display-popup -E -w80% -h80% "load-data.sh"

in the load data script just do custom logics to fetch data and pipe it to fzf, something like cat foo.txt | fzf

it's more flexible than bash completion and scripts can be written in any languages

also, can use tmux display-message -p "#{pane_current_path}" to get current path

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