Saturday, January 02, 2016
Clojure 2015 Year in Review, in 2015 I also started porting my projects to clojure.
in the HN thread found Leviathan, a clojure IDE for os x.
Sunday, January 03, 2016
to install Kodi on ubuntu
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install kodi
launch from launcher: Kodi Media Center
one simple way to share files to Kodi is via nfs
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server
add to /etc/exports
/export/share *(ro,all_squash,insecure,no_subtree_check)
one tool to monitor network traffic is nethogs
Tuesday, January 05, 2016
reading The Varnish Book, actually it's not bad, I quite like it.
also reading DevOps Automation Cookbook, it covers few topics that I'm interested in: aptly, influxDB and grafana, from rsyslog to ELK stack, and finally sensu. pretty much all related to my current daily tasks, but like many other packt books, it just scratch the surface of each tool.
some updates from tweets:
- aphyr finally did a test on RethinkDB
- Joe Armstrong is playing swift
- nice benchmarks article about PHP: Scaling PHP by adding CPU & RAM
- looking forward to the 2nd edition of Clojure Web Development
- a must try: Disque 1.0 RC1 is out!
I did try to play with reagent, but the project.clj
is way too complicated and doesn't make any sense to me. I think I need to take a look at boot first.
two upcoming books that I will read:
when I was debugging a syslog-ng issue, learned quite a lot network tools:
- to test a udp port:
nc -zuv host port
- check listening ports (both tcp and udp):
netstat -tupln
- monitor udp packets:
tcpdump -i eth0 udp port 514 -vv -X
is very powerful:
transfer file:
# server 2
nc -l 3721 > target
# server 1
nc -w 1 server2 3721 < source
clone the whole drive:
# server 2
nc -l 3721 | dd of=/dev/sdf
# server 1
dd if=/dev/sda | nc server2 3721
server a webpage (include response headers inside the html file):
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
while true; do nc -l 80 -q 1 < index.html; done
as http client:
nc 80
# server 2
nc -l 3721
# server 1
nc server2 3721
to transfer sensitive data, can encrypt it first
# server 2
nc -l 3721 | gpg -d
# server 1
gpg -ca < source | nc server2 3721
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
podcast episodes to listen:
- Language Design with Brian Kernighan - Software Engineering Daily
- Simplifying Docker with Sean Li - Software Engineering Daily
- Distributed Systems with Alvaro Videla - Software Engineering Daily
- Mesos and Docker in Practice with Michael Hausenblas - Software Engineering Daily
- Demystifying Stream Processing with Neha Narkhede - Software Engineering Daily
- Functional Geekery Episode 41: Eric Normand
new podcast: Three Devs and a Maybe: Discussion on Web Development
reading Mastering Linux Network Administration, quite good.
Friday, January 08, 2016
podcasts to listen:
- SE-Radio Show 246: John Wilkes on Borg and Kubernetes
- Storage Disruption Through Containerization - CloudTP
is a nice program to monitor mysql processes: How To Use Mytop to Monitor MySQL Performance
finished Mastering Linux Network Administration, upload the notes here later.
now reading Amazon Web Services in Action, not as deep as I expected, almost finished ... maybe this one is better.
read a lot about puppet's environment setup, will upload the notes later as well.
Monday, January 11, 2016
How to Name Clojure Functions is quite good.
reading Practical Linux Topics.
Friday, January 15, 2016
there is a openssh client bug, add this to .ssh/config
until the client is patched:
Host *
UseRoaming no
not much interesting thing I could find in Practical Linux Topics, actually I read too many linux books these days. I should go back to read my clojure books.
also finished The Varnish Book, but seems The Varnish Users Guide is more useful.
I don't think I'll read Joy of Clojure and Clojure in Action page by page, in the mean time probably will start reading one of these:
looking for a simple queue worker, don't want any dependencies since, find one using shell script from github, perfect:
echo "starting amazon sqs worker for queue $QUEUE"
while true
MESSAGE=`aws sqs receive-message --wait-time-seconds=1 --visibility-timeout=600 --queue-url=$QUEUE`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "aws sqs operation failed, trying again in 5s"
sleep 5
NUM_MESSAGES=`echo $MESSAGE | jq '.Messages | length'`
if [ "$NUM_MESSAGES" -eq 0 ]; then
sleep 10
HANDLE=`echo $MESSAGE | jq -r '.Messages[0].ReceiptHandle'`
TOPIC=`echo $MESSAGE | jq -r '.Messages[0].Body | fromjson | .TopicArn'`
echo "message received on topic $TOPIC"
# run a process
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "error processing message"
aws sqs delete-message --queue-url=$QUEUE --receipt-handle=$HANDLE
learned two tricks about history: (history Man Page)
# clear current session's history
$ history -c
# append current sessions's history to file now
history -a
Monday, January 18, 2016
to generate token from desktop, can use brew
to install OATH Toolkit (brew install oath-toolkit
, ubuntu just apt-get install oathtool
), then run the oathtool command:
cat secret_key | xargs oathtool --totp -b
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
another combination that I like: Oden: lisp + go, playing with it.
to avoid gpg prompt for confirming when encrypting a file, can use --trust-model=always
gpg -e -r [email] --trust-model=always [file]
Thursday, January 21, 2016
for password management:
also read: Adding Yubikey 2-factor authentication to SSH and sudo in Debian
Friday, January 22, 2016
probably the most comprehensive guide for Drupal Performance Optimization, some useful links from the article:
- 10 MySQL settings to tune after installation
- Optimizing servers - nginx speedup & optimization guide
- Nginx and php-fpm for performance
- Speed up your Ubuntu! - Easy Linux tips project
however the varnish links are old and not for varnish 4.
the recent 2 ruby rogues podcasts are quite good:
- Ruby Rogues 243: Books That Aren't POODR
- Ruby Rogues 242: Migrating a Monolith to Microservices Via an Evolutionary Path with Mike Gehard
after read this article: Datomic: The most innovative DB you've never heard of, I really want to try Datomic now.
Saturday, January 23, 2016
start playing with Datomic, will put notes to the datomic page.
also updating the nginx and varnish notes.
Monday, January 25, 2016
saw a folder organizer on github, it's a good idea but I'll prefer do it myself, by clojure.
for php-fpm, process manager value choice between dynamic
and ondemand
, actually I don't know yet until I do some tests.
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
working on fine tuning the php-fpm, I didn't see much difference between dynamic
and ondemand
, but since ondemand
has fewer settings to tune, I picked ondemand
for ondemand
only two settings to tune: pm.max_children
and pm.max_requests
there're articles about how to get the pm.max_children
value, first get the average memory usage of a php-fpm process:
ps -ylC php-fpm --sort:rss
depends on how many memories reserved for other services, available memory / average memory per process
to get the pm.max_children
however I just use the number as reference and test with siege
to find the number that I want.
I also didn't change the ulimit -n
number since there is an option rlimit_files
to handle it, leave it as default until it becomes the bottle neck.
for nginx, worker_processes
always set to as same as cpu cores, not number of cores * 2
, tune the worker_connections
(usually >= 1024
), and:
events {
use epoll;
multi_accept on;
for the reason can check my nginx notes
playing some browsers. Midori is the best, very small but can render complex pages well. for terminal, ELinks is good.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
for nginx, if the web server is behind aws elastic load balancer, use this line to get read client ip for access control:
real_ip_header X-Forwarded-For;
Friday, January 29, 2016
a simple way to enhance clojure repl is use rlwrap
, I tried jline
, but it's too difficult (jline2
doesn't even work).
> sudo apt-get install -y rlwrap
> rlwrap java -jar clojure-1.8.0.jar
I prefer this way because it is much much faster than a lein repl
and boot repl
for dependencies, not easy to hot-load the libraries into the repl. I will setup a lein project.clj
and use lein-libdir to copy all jars into the lib
folder, and add it to the classpath:
first add lein-libdir
to ~/.lein/profiles.clj
{:user {:plugins [[lein-libdir "0.1.1"]]}}
add dependencies to project.clj
, then run
> lein libdir
this task will copy all jars into ./lib
then can start repl with:
> rlwrap java -cp clojure.1.8.0.jar:lib/* clojure.main
Clojure 1.8.0
user=> (require '[clj-http.client :as curl])
user=> (curl/head "")
now can use clojure as shell script too, first create a simple script, name it as /usr/local/bin/run-clj
java -cp /opt/clojure/clojure.1.8.0.jar:/opt/myclj/lib/* clojure.main "$@"
create this as example.clj
(require '[clj-http.client :as curl])
(clojure.pprint/pprint (curl/head ""))
now simply run ./example.clj
Sunday, January 31, 2016
starting a new project, a text base UI bot program. like most other projects, research and pick some libraries first. I miss the days when started with nothing and just write everything myself, crappy but lots of fun.
couple notes:
- lanterna for ncurses-like UI
- From Natural Language to Calendar Entries, with Clojure
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