Thursday, March 01, 2018
I tried kubernetes on lxd, but failed:
- host os: ubuntu 16.04
- all run as
1. upgrade lxd
(host) $ apt update && apt install -t xenial-backports lxd lxd-client
2. disable swap
(host) $ swapoff -a
- should also remove
line in/etc/fstab
3. init lxd
(host) $ lxd init
- use
as storage backend (overlay
won't work withzfs
is troublesome, they're for serious use) none
4. create profile
(host) $ lxc profile copy default kubernetes
(host) $ lxc profile edit kubernetes
something like this:
linux.kernel_modules: bridge,br_netfilter,ip_tables,ip6_tables,netlink_diag,nf_nat,overlay
raw.lxc: |-
lxc.aa_profile = unconfined
lxc.cgroup.devices.allow = a sys:rw
lxc.cap.drop =
security.nesting: "true"
security.privileged: "true"
description: Kubernetes LXD profile
nictype: bridged
parent: lxdbr0
type: nic
path: /
pool: lxd
type: disk
name: kubernetes
used_by: []
5. launch and setup master
(host) $ lxc launch ubuntu:16.04 master -p kubernetes
(host) $ lxc exec master -- bash
(master) $ apt update && apt install -y linux-image-$(uname -r)
(master) $ curl -s | apt-key add -
(master) $ echo "deb kubernetes-xenial main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
(master) $ apt update && apt install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl
6. save image
(host) $ lxc stop master
(host) $ lxc publish master --alias kubenetes
7. kubeadm init
(master) $ kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address= --pod-network-cidr=
got [ERROR FileContent--proc-sys-net-bridge-bridge-nf-call-iptables]: /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables does not exist
ignore it, because even I included br_netfilter
in the profile, but seems it is not network namespace aware, nothing I can do here.
(master) $ kubeadm init --apiserver-advertise-address= --pod-network-cidr= --ignore-preflight-errors=all
if succeeded, it shows something like this:
Your Kubernetes master has initialized successfully!
To start using your cluster, you need to run the following as a regular user:
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config
sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
You should now deploy a pod network to the cluster.
Run "kubectl apply -f [podnetwork].yaml" with one of the options listed at:
You can now join any number of machines by running the following on each node
as root:
kubeadm join --token ...
8. install pod network add-on
since most of the available provider requires /proc/sys/net/bridge/bridge-nf-call-iptables
I picked calico
(master) $ kubectl apply -f
ouput is like:
configmap "calico-config" created
daemonset "calico-etcd" created
service "calico-etcd" created
daemonset "calico-node" created
deployment "calico-kube-controllers" created
clusterrolebinding "calico-cni-plugin" created
clusterrole "calico-cni-plugin" created
serviceaccount "calico-cni-plugin" created
clusterrolebinding "calico-kube-controllers" created
clusterrole "calico-kube-controllers" created
serviceaccount "calico-kube-controllers" created
9. To be continue
(master) $ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
kube-system calico-etcd-7cn7c 1/1 Running 0 9m master
kube-system calico-kube-controllers-f86cf776-88cw5 1/1 Running 6 9m master
kube-system calico-node-vbzsm 1/2 CrashLoopBackOff 6 9m master
kube-system etcd-master 1/1 Running 0 7m master
kube-system kube-apiserver-master 1/1 Running 1 7m master
kube-system kube-controller-manager-master 1/1 Running 0 7m master
kube-system kube-dns-6f4fd4bdf-j65xk 0/3 ContainerCreating 0 47m <none> master
kube-system kube-proxy-cm2gc 0/1 CrashLoopBackOff 14 47m master
kube-system kube-scheduler-master 1/1 Running 0 7m master
will not start until calico
is ready.
but still something is wrong there
because master node is running with flag --enable-debugging-handlers=false
, kubectl logs
doesn't work on those pods.
tried removing the taints on the master:
(master) $ kubectl taint nodes --all
and finally accessed to logs by (actually I forgot docker logs
(master) $ kubectl describe pod calico-node-vbzsm -n kube-system
the error is:
Error response from daemon: linux runtime spec devices: lstat /dev/.lxc/proc/664/fdinfo/73: no such file or directory
(UPDATE: actually this is about missing /var/lib/kube-proxy/config.conf
file when running kube-proxy
, waiting for updated version)
I gave up here, probably will try again after some time.
next thing I will try is docker swarm
on lxd
Friday, March 02, 2018
try to play youtube video in terminal:
$ brew reinstall mpv --with-libcaca
$ mpv "" -vo caca
a youtube cli tool:
under ubuntu:
$ sudo apt install mps-youtube
Sunday, March 04, 2018
even the kubernetes on lxd attempt failed, I still learned quite a lot lxd stuffs.
lxd 2.x is much better than the lxc
I tried before. I don't need to use iptables
to route traffics into the container, I can easily mount folder from host on it.
the best resource for lxd 2.x is LXD 2.0: Blog post series
I got few notes:
to list remote images, use images:
(not just images
$ lxc image list images:
to just list alpine
$ lxc image list images:alpine
then start a container using the image:
lxc launch images:alpine/3.7 container_name
mount folder from host:
lxc config device add container_name my_name disk source=$(pwd) path=/opt/my_home
and I started to use alpine as base, one great thing is I can browse which version of the software I want here: Alpine Linux packages
then start a container with alpine version that contains it.
for example, use alpine/3.6
if I want nodejs 6.x
, alpine/3.7
if I need nodejs 8.x
to install software is similar to apt-get
, alpine uses apk
(use sh
, alpine images don't have bash
by default):
$ lxc exec container_name -- sh
~ apk update
~ apk add nodejs
easy pieces
now I need something like Dockerfile
for building images, I will try two:
- PagerDuty/Nut: Build LXC containers using Dockerfile like syntax
- hverr/lxdfile: A Dockerfile-like file format for LXD containers
if none of above works, lxd
is linux container, I can still use puppet
to provision it. shouldn't be a problem.
since lxd and alpine are so lightweight, I don't even need virtualenv
for projects (I know, same as docker, but I rarely run exec
on docker containers ...)
borrowing the idea from virtualenv
, I wonder if I could intercept commands and pass them to lxc exec
actually there's a way to do it, found it on unix stackexchange:
shopt -s extdebug
preexec_invoke_exec () {
[ -n "$COMP_LINE" ] && return # do nothing if completing
[ "$BASH_COMMAND" = "$PROMPT_COMMAND" ] && return # don't cause a preexec for $PROMPT_COMMAND
local this_command=`HISTTIMEFORMAT= history 1 | sed -e "s/^[ ]*[0-9]*[ ]*//"`
echo $this_command
# So that you don't get locked accidentally
if [ "shopt -u extdebug" == "$this_command" ]; then
return 0
lxc exec container_name -- ${this_command}
return 1 # This prevent executing of original command
trap 'preexec_invoke_exec' DEBUG
after source
this script, every command will pass to lxc exec container_name --
and use shopt -u extdebug
to disable it
however, soon I found this is no better than lxc exec container_name -- sh
add a alias
for lxc exec container_name --
is more simply and safe (above script when pressCtrl-D
will pass history 1
to lxc
some picks from my bookmarked tweets:
a faster pandas, underlying is Apache Arrow: Pandas on Ray, github link
I didn't really read about CSP header yet, I think it's time to understand and implement it: Using HTTP Headers to Secure Your Site
a very popular command line library for golang: spf13/cobra: A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions
Peter Norvig added pdf version of Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming on github
Go Microservices, Part 1: Building Microservices With Go
not many good podcast episodes these days, this one is good:
defn episode 30 - Zach Tellman aka @ztellman
reading Professional Clojure again.
and really really start studying re-frame.
Monday, March 05, 2018
after watched this video: VisiData Lightning Demo at PyCascades 2018 - YouTube
I played with visidata for a while today, I put my notes to python/visidata page.
for large dataset, this clojure library is useful: jackrusher/spicerack: A Clojure wrapper for MapDB, which is a fast, disk-persistent data-structures library.
couple libraries to try for clojure debugging:
Saturday, March 10, 2018
super useful library for clojure: Clojure Tip of the Day - Episode 7: clj-refactor (web page version)
see all available refactorings
the two screencasts about cider debug are also good:
- Introducing Clojure Tip of the Day Screencast – Curious (Clojure) Programmer
- Clojure Tip of the Day – Episode 2: Cider Enlighten Mode – Curious (Clojure) Programmer
I also learned how to easily discard code: add #_
to beginning of the line.
an article about Reducers and Transducers
UNLINK is a new command introduced by redis 4.0
like DEL
but try to reclaims memory after item removed.
I read a few articles about ClickHouse — open source distributed column-oriented DBMS
- Archiving MySQL Tables in ClickHouse - Percona Database Performance Blog
- HTTP Analytics for 6M requests per second using ClickHouse - Cloudflare Blog
- How Cloudflare analyzes 1M DNS queries per second - Cloudflare Blog
- Top 10 Engineering Changes in 2017
I have to give it a try.
Gentle Introduction to Apache NiFi for Data Flow... and Some Clojure
tldr; Apache Nifi routes your data from any streaming source to any data store
I've switched my local development vms from vagrant/docker to lxd, now I need an internal dns server, or, a service discovery system ...
this is a good summary on different service discovery systems:
Choosing A Service Discovery System
dnsmasq should be enough, but I want to try serf
nice write up about spark 2.3: Introducing Apache Spark 2.3 - The Databricks Blog
looking forward to their in-depth blog posts
I tried using influxdb + grafana for some real time analytics checking, I like them a lot.
at first I wanted to intercept traffic before sending to google analytics, but due to HSTS it's not working.
I found chrome://net-export/
, it logs all network activities to files, that I can filter and forward to influxdb
then I need to find a way to tail follow new created files in a folder ...
combined with simple bash: not working because file changes in host can't notify vm'sinotifywait
: too difficult to work withxtail
: this one works!
actually a better way should be using one of the log shipper, like influx data's telegraf I was just too lazy
about log shipper, two new names for me:
Tuesday, March 27, 2018
I've been coding a little bit of clojure again, this time I tried using clj-refactor which is great, however, even with cider debugger, two kinds of codes are still hard to test:
form- thread first/last form
eval with context helps a little bit but overall it is still not smooth for me.
I also started using spec
, which is a great tool to guard inputs, combine with test.check
, good for generating tests
more resource about spec
- official spec guide
- clojure.spec for functions by example
- An Informal & Practical Guide to Clojure.Spec
a recent article using spec
(with kafka and avro): Production data never lies
more static typed, and more towards Avoid Else, Return Early
more discussion at hackernews and proggit
I tried to make emacs works under terminal for many times, all failed.
I found that use another init.el
is essential for the task.
I started using emacs -nw -q --load terminal_init.el
means no window and -q
skipped loading init.el
, then use --load
to load another init.el
for terminal
you can still use (package-initialize)
to make all packages available for terminal version, however, most of short keys I have to switched to use C-c
I'm happy with my new experience with clojure, but my pinky started having problem again.
I have to switch back to vim
for a while, and discovered something new:
recent files
:bro(wse) ol(files)
use set viminfo='30
to set size
diff split buffers
run :diffthis
in both buffers
: next diff[c
: previous diffdiffget
: accept update from another bufferdiffput
: push update to other buffer
to enable, add to .vimrc
set foldmethod=indent
set nofoldenable
: fold none, open allzM
: fold more, close allzj
: next/previous foldzA
: toggle recursivelyzo
: open fold (recursively)zc
: close fold (recursively)
tired of using cd
to navigate, returned to ranger
prepare configs
$ ranger --copy-config=all
create tab
ctrl n
: new tabalt (num)
: switch tabtab
: navigateq
: close tab
: open withyy
: copy filepp
: paste filedd
: delete file- move file:
: mark file- mark file in different directories:
: tag file:flat 1
: flat nested directory,:flat
to reset:rename newfilename
- mark patterns:
folder navigation
: move up/down parent dirsm{char}
: bookmark folderum{char}
: remove bookmark``
: quick switch between previous/current folder
: sort by type firstos
: sort by size firstoa /oc /om
: sort by timeon
: sort naturalo{T/S/A/C/M}
: sort in reverse order from the above modesor
: reverse the sort order
this talk changed me: Joe Armstrong - Keynote: The Forgotten Ideas in Computer Science - Code BEAM SF 2018
all these years I read tech news/article everyday, I know most of trendy stuffs, but I didn't really know them and nothing has been built.
one thing I strongly agreed is that reading a book is different, there're no links you can click in a book, which distract you.
I began to read less news and try to spend my time to write code or read a book.
currently I'm reaing Cassandra: The Definitive Guide
it has good introduction chapters on distributed database system, which already worth it.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
there're more on debugging clojure:
- Notes on debugging Clojure code (discussion on hackernews)
- the
in ptaoussanis/timbre: Pure Clojure/Script logging library - GitHub - philoskim/debux: A simple debugging library for Clojure and ClojureScript.
- cider's enlighten mode and tracing function execution, see here
these solved my frustration on debugging let
and ->
forms, especially debux
, great tool.
Friday, March 30, 2018
I had a vm to run lxd
and I'm using tmux
, quite often I have to ssh
into the vm once switched to a new tmux
I finally decided to use screen
inside the vm, it's simple, check SCREEN Quick Reference
the old reddit 1.0 source code released on github, written in common lisp
I tried installing it, not succeeded yet.
I used sbcl
, and install quicklisp
looks like it was using Scieneer Common Lisp, according to (sys:make-fd-stream (ext:connect-to-inet-socket ...
line in memcached.lisp
(I changed to sbcl
's socket)
and mp:
package also not found (multi-processing), I added bordeaux-threads and replaced mp:
with bt:
, and changed function names according to this: bordeaux-threads/impl-cmucl.lisp
then stucked on the http server: Hunchentoot, I don't know how to start the server ...
need more readings, but I think I can solve it someday.
I found it's a very good resource for learning common lisp
reddit was rewritten in python, by Aaron Swartz: Rewriting Reddit (Aaron Swartz's Raw Thought)
more history:
I think the problem is there're way too many implementations of common lisp, each one has its own way/library to do socket, multi-processing (like the problem I faced above)
once you switched to another implementation, codes are broken. and not all implementations are avaialble on windows/linux/os x ...
and don't forget The Lisp Curse
looks like I missed these about Rich Hickey:
- Interview with Rich Hickey, Creator of Clojure | Linux Journal
- Rich Hickey Interview with Fogus on CodeQuarterly (likely from around June 2011)
- Hammock Driven Development - Rich Hickey
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