Wednesday, November 02, 2016
an interesting article: scripting in Clojure using boot
as we know boot can do shebang
but this article is about using boot as a console framework to build custom tasks, actually quite useful.
I decided to study more about boot.
and one tutorial I'm reading is using boot as well: modern-cljs: A series of tutorials on ClojureScript
one thing I want to do is like start a repl with some dependencies, but no need to create a project.
using boot is quite easy:
boot -d org.clojure/core.async:0.2.395 repl
also there're some JVM Options can be tuned for a faster startup time.
Thursday, November 03, 2016
lein-skummet is another option to reduce jvm startup time.
to use it, simply put these lines to your project.clj
:dependencies [[org.skummet/clojure "1.7.0-r2"]]
:exclusions [[org.clojure/clojure]]
:profiles {:default []}
:plugins [[org.skummet/lein-skummet "0.2.2"]]
(note, it replaces org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"
with org.skummet/clojure "1.7.0-r2"
then these commands are available:
$ lein skummet compile
$ lein skummet run
$ lein skummet jar
$ lein do skummet compile, skummet run
I tested it, seems not all libraries are compatible with it, for example clj-http causes compile error, switched to http-kit compiles normally.
the output does run faster, maybe helpful.
Friday, November 04, 2016
about lua
- I use
to execute external program, but useio.popen
I can capture the output of the program. - looks like the best library to do multi-threads with lua: torch/threads: Threads for Lua and LuaJIT. Transparent exchange of data between threads is allowed thanks to torch serialization.
- use this library to parse protocol buffers: google/upb: small, fast parsers for the 21st century
- Webscripts are short scripts, written in Lua, that run on our servers. They can respond to HTTP requests or run as cron jobs.
- The Power of Lua and Mixins
- mongrel2/Tir: A Simple Lua Web Framework For Mongrel2
Torch looks interesting too, machine learning in luajit.
reading Mastering Clojure, most of clojure books don't cover core.async
, this book probably has the most detailed chapter about core.async
it also covers the actor model with pulsar
still studying apache spark, I like spark shell, a repl to do data analysis.
too bad it supports scala and python only, I may need to re-visit my scala notes ..
some random notes:
- talking about aws lambda alternative, webhook is an interesting idea, seems implements this model.
- I mentioned onyx is too complicated for me, but this looks nice: Onyx Local Runtime
- uber/statsrelay: A consistent-hashing relay for statsd and carbon metrics
- Migrating from MySQL to Cassandra Using Spark
- DPDK, a set of libraries and drivers for fast packet processing.
- Git from the inside out
Saturday, November 05, 2016
another docker story: Docker in Production: A History of Failure
I still think container is the future, but not docker anymore. I prefer a more boring solution for containers.
Monday, November 07, 2016
to create a fatjar for a java library with gradle, add these lines to build.gradle
task fatJar(type: Jar) {
baseName = + '-all'
from { configurations.compile.collect { it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it) } }
with jar
then run:
$ gradle fatjar
to include java source in a clojure project, add this line to project.clj
:java-source-paths ["src/main/java"]
this works with uberjar
as well.
when doing :aot :all
, uberjar
will evaluate variables, use a delay
is one workaround that I like:
(def service (delay (get-service)))
not only it solves the problem of uberjar
, but also @service
is more readable than service
just like dig
is modern version of nslookup
, ss
is modern version of netstat
, man ss
for more details, -tupln
also works on ss
$ ss -tupln
check existing connections:
$ ss -t4n state established
or query by dst
/ src
$ ss -t4 src
to empty a file, usually will be done by $ cat /dev/null > somefile
there's another way:
$ truncate --size 0 somefile
is a useful tool to get recommendations for mysql config: my.cnf
, just do
$ apt-get install mysqltuner
Thursday, November 10, 2016
another container management tool: dc/os
looks like it's built on top of mesos
at the comment part of this article: Running Online Services at Riot: Part II | Riot Games Engineering, author gave comparison on dc/os and kubernetes.
and finally I see cool aws lambda alternative: Serverless computing on DC/OS with Galactic Fog
gestalt is a framework for building microservice platform.
may need to spend some time on these because they looks pretty nice.
Kotlin 1.0.5 is here, I didn't write much kotlin recently. I only do kotlin when clojure is not allowed.
Five Neglected Computer Science Classics
nice list but those books probably too much maths to me, maybe I will try The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages.
still reading the zguide, it's a very good guide for common messaging patterns, well explained and good advices. a must read even though you are not going to use zero mq.
Saturday, November 12, 2016
a snippet to n
go blocks, and collect all the results:
(defn dispatch [data]
(let [n (count data)
cs (repeatedly n a/chan)]
(doseq [[v c] (map list data cs)]
(a/go (a/>! c (do-something-with v))))
(dotimes [_ n]
(let [[v c] (a/alts!! cs)]
(println v)))))
manually assign n
to a smaller value if data
size is too large.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
looking for a simple file based key-value storage, MapDB is one of the options. but it lacks of clojure wrapper, I choosed Factual/clj-leveldb: Clojure bindings for LevelDB, which is using fusesource/leveldbjni: A Java Native Interface to LevelDB underneath.
there's another interesting one: saolsen/steveskeys: Key Value Storage In Clojure.
reading some old issues of Linux Journal, found some interesting projects/tools:
- Resilio, file synchronization (formerly BitTorrent Sync).
- Qubes OS, a reasonably secure operating system.
- Habitica, a video game to help you improve real life habits.
- Simplenote, the simplest way to keep notes.
- Crashplan, online backup service.
- Proxmox VE, server virtualization management solution based on QEMU/KVM and LXC.
- Firewalld and multiple zones
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
found a pretty theme for emacs: Subatomic Theme
Saturday, November 19, 2016
this week has been working a lot on clojure, finally decided to study paredit all over again:
move parentheses
| action | function | hot-key | alt-hot-key |
| move ( to left | paredit-backward-slurp-sexp | ctrl + ( | ctrl + alt + left |
| move ( to right | paredit-backward-barf-sexp | ctrl + { | ctrl + alt + right |
| move ) to left | paredit-forward-barf-sexp | ctrl + } | ctrl + shift + left |
| move ) to right | paredit-forward-slurp-sexp | ctrl + ) | ctrl + shift + right |
move cursor
| action | function | hot-key | alt-hot-key |
| move up one level | paredit-backward-up | ctrl + alt + u | ctrl + alt + up |
| move down one level | paredit-forward-down | ctrl + alt + d | ctrl + alt + down |
| move forward | paredit-forward | ctrl + alt + f | |
| move backward | paredit-backward | ctrl + alt + b | |
select sexps
| action | hot-key |
| select forward | ctrl + shift + alt + f |
| select backward | ctrl + shift + alt + b |
kill parentheses
| action | function | hot-key |
| kill parentheses | paredit-splice-sexp | alt + s |
| | | |
add parentheses
| action | function | hot-key |
| wrap around | paredit-wrap-round | alt + ( |
| | | |
| action | function | hot-key |
| kill sexp | kill-sexp | ctrl + alt + k |
| kill line | paredit-kill | ctrl + k |
| kill backward | paredit-splice-sexp-killing-backward | alt + up |
| kill forward | paredit-splice-sexp-killing-forward | alt + down |
| raise sexp | paredit-raise-sexp | alt + r |
| join | paredit-join-sexps | alt + J (upper case) |
| action | function | hot-key |
| reindent | paredit-reindent-defun | alt + q |
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
I had a bash script for connecting my hosts easily by selecting from a list, but it was every difficult to maintain. I rewrite it with lua:
#!/usr/bin/env luajit
local hosts = {}
local c = assert(io.popen("grep '#put' ~/.ssh/config", "r"))
for l in c:lines() do
_, _, h = string.find(l, "Host%s+(%w+)%s+#put")
table.insert(hosts, h)
for i, s in pairs(hosts) do
print(i, "-", s)
io.write("pick one: ");
local pick =
local pickkey = tonumber(pick)
if pick == nil or pick == "" then
elseif hosts[pickkey] then
print("connecting", hosts[pickkey])
os.execute("ssh " .. hosts[pickkey])
print("don't un")
to use just append #put
at the end Host
of line, like:
Host devhost #put
then devhost
will appear on the list for selection.
playing aws lambda with clojure
java probably not a good fit for lambda due to its long startup time and memory requirement.
but I still prefer clojure (or even java) than node and python.
serverless is the new trend, but I'm still not sure it's better than tranditional stacks yet.
further reading: ServerlessConf slides
found another nice theme for emacs: Dracula theme
Thursday, November 24, 2016
TIL, if you create a git-hello
command and put in your $PATH
, you can trigger it by git hello
learned it from here: anvaka/git-also: For a file in your git repository, prints other files that are most often committed together
there're some other similar tools:
- adamtornhill/code-maat: A command line tool to mine and analyze data from version-control systems
- tj/git-extras: GIT utilities – repo summary, repl, changelog population, author commit percentages and more
some noteworthy links:
- lua.vm.js lets your run lua on the web, very cool.
- Java Papers: scientific papers found in source code of OpenJDK.
- Developer-Y/cs-video-courses: List of Computer Science courses with video lectures.
Friday, November 25, 2016
CiteSeerX is a good place to look for papers, it provides cached version of the paper, very convenient.
video of Joe Armstrong interviews Alan Kay on CodeMesh
also Joe's keynote: Distributed Jamming with Sonic Pi and Erlang
finally there is a scripting solution for clojure/clojurescript: anmonteiro/lumo: Fast, cross-platform, standalone ClojureScript REPL
it's blazing fast and surely capable for scripting.
yogthos provided an example on reddit thread:
(def fs (js/require "fs"))
(defn ls [dir]
(js->clj (.readdirSync fs dir)))
(let [args (-> js/process .-argv js->clj)
dir (last args)]
(println "found files:" (ls dir))
(println (.readFileSync fs "hello.cljs" "utf8")))
it calls nodejs dependency fs
, another interesting point. now you can use clojure/clojurescript libraies and nodejs libraries, how nice.
for aws lambda with clojure, use uswitch/lambada: A more passionate way to write AWS Lambda functions, it's way more easy than following Writing AWS Lambda Functions in Clojure | AWS Compute Blog.
the speed is actually good. it was slow for this first run (2s
for a simple task), but repeated runs are fast (under 100ms
to few hundred ms).
deployment is fast, just uberjar
and upload.
essentially it's a zip file and it will be extracted on ec2 managed by aws, which means you can pack files in the zip/jar
, then read them from your function.
logs are a bit tricky, I still don't understand how aws events group lambda logs into a log stream. I can't find a way to set log stream name pattern, need to aws describe-log-streams
to get all stream names.
I use aws logs --filter-pattern
for now.
also 128MB
for java fails a lot. raise to 512MB
it becomes more stable.
another tip is you can view all sample input from different aws services on aws lambda console, when you click test
your function. quite useful to get a general idea about which service provides what kind of data to the lambda function.
you can't pack amazonica, it's over the 50MB
size limit.
I don't have good believe in serverless, but for some cases aws lambda could be helpful and more easy to manage.
in general aws lambda should be used when:
- your input is in aws, more specifically one of these event sources.
- your task does not hit one of these limitations
- output is one of the aws services, or no ouput (like external api calls, webhooks)
since input and output are aws services, and lambda is so tiny and there will be lots of them. good management on rols and policies are required.
Dply provides clould server free for 2 hours. you just need a github account (just use your github key to access).
I tried and it works well. good for testing.
for this kind of temporary servers, you don't want to add them to your known_hosts
, append -o "UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null"
option to ssh
(add -o StrictHostKeychecking=no
to skip warning)
two hours actully is good enough for a paring section.
Saturday, November 26, 2016
I heard about Nightlight few times, finally tried it today.
you'll have an editor in browser with repl support when you run the program. maybe useful in some ways.
reading Professional Clojure.
after done couple clojure projects, I decided to go back to read more clojure books. I often found there should be better way to write clojure codes than what I've done.
a quick test on writing a http server using clojurescript with nodejs http
module, runs with lumo
#!/usr/local/bin/lumo -q
(def http (js/require "http"))
(defn handler [req res]
(doto res
(.writeHead 200 {"Content-type" "text/plain"})
(.end "roarrrrrr!")))
(defn start-server []
(-> (.createServer http handler)
(.listen 3000 ""))
(println "server running at"))
I can use clojure + java or clojurescript + javascript + node.js in one language, it's very cool.
but I need to re-visit my node.js books ..
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Factual/durable-queue: a disk-backed queue for clojure, it's pretty simple and data is presisted in disk.
tried adamtornhill/code-maat: A command line tool to mine and analyze data from version-control systems, it's written in clojure. didn't pay attention to its book: Your Code as a Crime Scene. not found anything interesting yet.
love Dply, I wrote a simple webservice and put register command in the user script, my ssh connect script will fetch ip from the webservice.
now every time I start a dyln 2 hours free vm, I can use the same command to ssh
React Native Express is a good resource to learn react native.
I tried, but it's so complicated to create a project even with a boilerplate tool.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
matryer/bitbar is a very useful tool to make some shortcuts with script and put it to os x menu bar.
start mpv
with --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-sock
, you can send commands to control the player like:
$ echo cycle pause | nc -U /tmp/mpv-sock
nc -U
is for unix socket, if unsupport can use socat
other common commands are:
, playlist_next
, playlist_prev
, can also add file to list via loadfile $file append-play
combine with bitbar, I can control mpv
anywhwere via menu bar.
I love bookmarklets, so this project is useful for me adzerk-oss/boot-bookmarklet: A Boot task for generating bookmarklets from ClojureScript namespaces
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