Jim Cheung

Saturday, February 03, 2018

this repl tool look very cool: Quick Demo of soon to be released readline library for Clojure/Script

someone in the thread mentioned bpython, will try this too.

Observable, like jupyter, but for javascript with d3 support

I think something is really wrong with deepfakes, but for personal use I think it's good, like this: Family fun with deepfakes. Or how I got my wife onto the Tonight Show

this is the repo: deepfakes_faceswap

I didn't know paxos protocol until I read Paxos derived

big news of the week: Red Hat to Acquire CoreOS

I use neither red hat nor coreos, so there will be kubernetes linux instead of container linux?

I already gave up on machine learning, I don't have the fundation

but I may give a try on this course Practical Deep Learning for Coders 2018

some rants:

you can create redis server that supports stream on wiftycloud, free for 48 hours.

stream is available in unstable branch, and will add to v5

more about redis stream: Streams: a new general purpose data structure in Redis

Monday, February 05, 2018

this is a good talk: Istio - Weaving the Service Mesh

there are too much infomation inside, slides are worth reading.

I'm more interested in transparent proxy instead of kubernetes,

Envoy, Conduit and nginmesh, I want to try them all.

infoq's DevOps and Cloud InfoQ Trends Report is very good summary of the field.

some notes on sqlite:

command line client

$ sqlite3 test.db
sqlite> .tables
sqlite> .separator :
sqlite> .mode column
sqlite> .headers on
sqlite> .shell clear
sqlite> .show
sqlite> .schema Cars
sqlite> .output cars.sql
sqlite> .dump Cars
sqlite> .read cars.sql

execute sql directly from command line

$ sqlite3 test.db "SELECT * FROM Cars;"


.mode column
.headers on
.nullvalue NULL 

output html

$ sqlite3 -html test.db

Friday, February 09, 2018

some interesting projects from stackshare's trending:

some python tools:

and something for my personal project:

Friday, February 16, 2018

an universal oauth for the host:

an obvious choice is bitly/oauth2_proxy (openshift's fork for kubernetes)

more complete solution seems like: hydra and dex

cloudflare has a new service for this: Introducing Cloudflare Access: Like BeyondCorp, But You Don’t Have To Be A Google Employee To Use It however, I don't want my traffic go through them

to implement it with lua, see: haproxy-auth-request

the way I use is nginx plus oauth2_proxy: Configuring OAuth Reverse Proxy With Nginx

Sunday, February 25, 2018

just reading lots of news recently, and I wrote a new page for rss feeds

at work, mostly python, learning some matplotlib; still want to write a reverse proxy

also, start coding clojure again, Programming Clojure, Third Edition is released.

it will be so much fun to build an arm cluster for kubernetes, like them:

the stack looks so good.

I want to make one but not sure I got the time.

looks like kubernetes is really taking over, lots of articles are related to its ecosystem

I found two good ones:


this is new to me, I read it but didn't try yet, might be useful for me: Writing a Simple D-Bus Service in Python

one thing virtualenv bothers me is I need to re-generate the requirements.txt once added new dependencies, and I alway forgot to update it.

I tried pyenv once, but went back to virtualenv

after reading this artile: My Python Development Environment, 2018 Edition and discussion on hackernews

I decided to switch to pyenv and I don't need to use requirements.txt anymore.

other random picks:

using go to write a game: Writing Space Invaders with Go

this is a good series: Running a scalable & reliable GraphQL endpoint with Serverless

I learned few new aws services:

jhuangtw-dev/xg2xg: by ex-googlers, for ex-googlers - a lookup table of similar tech & services, here you can find what tools are google using internally

good docker build advises: 3 simple tricks for smaller Docker images

Software development using Bash provides few good tips on writing bash

mysql may not be the default db server I'll use today, but I still keep reading: My MySQL Linux Tuning Checklist

big data ecosystem is huge, just take a look at The Hadoop Ecosystem Table

the amount of apache tools is also crazy: Fast Data Processing Pipeline for Predicting Flight Delays Using Apache APIs

A Clojure learning journey

this is written by an experienced clojure programmer, actually it is the list of things I'll try on clojure too.

after coding python for a while, it feels just like go to me. they get things done, but they are not as joyful as clojure to code with.

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